Pet Health result dogvisionhealth

A Dachshund dog lying down on a wooden deck in the sun with clear, brown eyes.

Clear Vision, Natural Solutions: Essential Dog Eye Care Tips

Cataracts and lenticular sclerosis are two of the most common eye problems seen in dogs over the age of 9, with some estimates showing the prevalence of either one of the two at 50% in dogs of that age up to 100% in dogs over the age of 13. Scientific evidence points to bilberries helping to prevent cataracts and macular degeneration…

Pet Vision Supplements

How Vision Supplements Can Benefit Your Pet's Eye Health

Your pet's eyes are crucial for their sight, immune system, brain function, and mood. Healthy eyes can help your pet avoid infections, inflammation, and oxidative stress that can damage their eyes and other organs. Eye health is also important for your pet's…